useful information |
click for STD codes & important tel numbers |
documents |
You must possess a passport. It is the most important travel document. In fact you should have your passport with you all the time. |
A health certificate, while not necessary in India, may be required for onward travel to other parts of the world from India. |
Student cards are practically of no use these days - many student concessions have either been eliminated or replaced by 'youth fares' or similar age concessions. Likewise, a Youth Hostel card (Hostelling International -HI) is not generally required for many Indian hostels. |
There is not much opportunity to drive around in India, but if you do intend to drive then get an International Driving Permit from your local nations' motoring organisation. Motor cycles are more easily available, and an international Permit is useful if you want to rent one. Even for hiring bicycles, an International Permit can be of use for identification purposes. It is worth having a set of passport photos for visa applications and other purposes. If you run out, local photo studios will do excellent portraits at competitive prices. |
special permits |
Even with a visa you are not allowed everywhere in India. Certain places like the Andaman Islands require special additional permits. For instance, in the Andaman Islands you need a permit in advance if you're arriving by ship. For people who arrive by flights, permits for a stay of up to 30 days are issued on coming at the airport in Port Blair. |
credit cards & money |
Major credit cards like Diners Club, MasterCard, American Express and Visa are widely accepted. You can use American Express, MasterCard or Visa cards to obtain cash in rupees. |
You are not permitted to carry Indian currency into the country or take it out of the country. You are allowed to bring in unlimited amounts of foreign currency or travelers' cheques, but you are expected to declare anything over US$ 10,000 on arrival. Check the latest exchange rates. |
health guidelines |
Drink only bottled mineral water or boiled water, especially during the monsoons. Avoid drinking water at all costs unless it is bottled water from a recognized company. |
Boiled, cooked or fried food is much safer than anything cold or raw. Avoid cold salads, raw vegetables, etc whenever possible. |
Have a mosquito/insect repellent wherever you go to avoid diseases like malaria or simply even the itchy sensation. |
Always carry a kit of essential emergency medicines you might need. Band-aids and an anti-septic ointment might also come in handy. |
Use a sunscreen all through to limit sunburn. Try and wear a hat if you are going to be in the sun. |
about cochin |planning a trip |accommodation |places to see |restaurants |shopping |moving around |useful info |
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